Abby McClung
Abby performed for two years in Camp Vaudeville at the Smoot Theater, three years with Guild Builders at the Actors Guild including the recent performance of The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley JR. Her backstage credits include followspot operator for the Guild Builders production of Robin Hood the Musical.
2013—Pirates of Penzance
Below are photos of Abby as a Billy “Bonebreaker” Budd, Police.
Theatre de Jeunesse does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, mental or physical challenge, or national origin in its programs or policies.
Cast Members
Amanda Gleason, 2013
The Pirates of Penzance
Katelyn Carroll, 2013
The Pirates of Penzance
Alex Collins, 2011
Les Misérables School Edition
Corey Hughes, 2011
Les Misérables School Edition
Site by Frogtails